
Salesforce Data Import Wizard

Salesforce Data Import Wizard The Data Import Wizard makes it easy to import data for many standard Salesforce objects, including Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Solutions, Campaign Members, and Person Accounts. Data for Custom Objects can also be imported using the Data Import Wizard. One thing to remember though, is that you can only import up to…

Salesforce Enter The Cosmetic Market

Salesforce Enter The Cosmetic Market Salesforce have today, 1st April 2018, announced that they have entered the Cosmetic Market with the launch of their very own Trailblazer Cologne! The Cosmetic Industry is extremely lucrative with a value of $15 billion in perfumes alone —it is also growing at up to 7% a year, more than…

Salesforce Acquisitions

Salesforce Acquisitions Salesforce have been pretty busy of late with expanding their portfolio of acquisitions. With two acquisition just this month; CloudCraze (CloudCraze is a leading B2B commerce platform built natively on Salesforce) and Mulesoft (MuleSoft provides one of the world’s leading platforms for building application networks that connect enterprise apps, data and devices, across any…